New Direction

Netzari Press discontinued publishing the AENT 5th Edition as of March 2019.  We believed the AENT was making significant contributions to clarify Yeshua’s First Century teachings.  However, in 2013 we realized it would be impossible for an AENT 6th Edition to resolve many translation issues, we needed to completely revise the translation, footnotes and appendices.  By comparing Greek and Aramaic texts with First Century Israeli Hebrew and Aramaic we found many serious issues within the Aramaic Khabouris Codex and 1905 Peshitta.

We’ve tracked every important Hebrew and Aramaic word and quotation in the Dead Sea Scrolls.  While it’s obvious Yeshua (Jesus) and his followers spoke Hebrew and Aramaic, it’s also very obvious that they never spoke Syrian Christian Aramaic.  Our team at Netzari Press no longer holds the view that the Khabouris Codex is a primary source of original New Testament writ, Greek manuscripts clearly play a far more substantial role.

Our new publication is called AHAV or, Aramaic Hebrew Amplified Version.  We are very grateful for many Hebrew Jewish and Christian Aramaic scholars who are lending their support to the AHAV Bible.  Within a few days of announcing the AHAV Bible, scholars began contacting us.  The AHAV Bible is like no other, it provides English readers with direct access to Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and Latin content to see and understand the deeper structures of the New Testament.

While the AENT has been a wonderful experience for many, we believe the AHAV Bible is exponentially more powerful.

We welcome you to visit AHAVBIBLE.COM to learn more.

Abba Father’s blessings be with you,


Baruch Ben Daniel





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