The teachings of the REAL JESUS have never been lost as some suggest. As you study the AENT you will enter a world of Hebrew and Aramaic scholarship that has never before been available to English speakers, with full documentation and resources that confirm the authority and authenticity of the original Aramaic New Testament. Learn how Greek New Testament translators inserted commentary into the text to clarify Aramaic terms and definitions.
The Aramaic English New Testament Bible provides a concise and accurate translation of the earliest Aramaic texts, a must have for anyone who truly desires to draw closer to the REAL JESUS. Scholars and researchers who produce the Aramaic English New Testament work independently of religious institutions. No team members have ever been on the payroll of religious organizations or seminaries, have never received financial backing from religious denominations, government or big business; yet all contributors have solid core beliefs in the original teachings of Yeshua (Jesus).
The AENT evolved through an open source, democratic format where hundreds of contributors offered ideas, comments, suggestions, criticism and content that helps make the AENT a work of excellence.
Within the pages of the AENT you will discover beautiful poetry that was for centuries hidden “beneath” Greek texts and find answers that are not available in any other Bibles. You will learn of special codes and phrases that Apostle Paul used to secure his authorship, while learning and discovering elements of the REAL JESUS that you’ve never read anywhere else….
The AENT contains solid refutations against New Testament critics; and it shows that quotations from the Old Testament are not misquoted, as some suggest, but instead reveal much deeper principles of faith. Of particular interest is that the Aramaic and Hebrew cognate terms clearly define what Paul and the other Apostles originally taught about salvation, grace, law, faith, heaven, hell and much, much more.
The AENT corrects the misguided teachings of the many offbeat Christian sects and their unsatisfactory translations that breed disunity within the household of faith. As you will see, followers of the REAL JESUS were not divided against one another by religious dogma; rather, they were united in their pursuit to be transformed into the “image of Elohim” (Mighty God).
Learn about the evolution of the New Testament through the era of early Church founders and discover words and verses that were added or omitted from late 2nd to 4th Century CE.
Archaeology and history tells us that the language of Babylon and Assyria was Aramaic and that the common people who lived in Israel during the times of Yeshua (Jesus) also spoke Aramaic. Greek translations of the New Testament Bible contain references to many Aramaic terms which are often bracketed and their meaning explained and narrated within the text. It is clear that the original thinking behind the New Testament is Hebraic and Aramaic. The Church of the East has maintained their Aramaic New Testament Bibles since the days of the original Apostles. The most famous historian of his day was a man named Josephus, a contemporary of Apostle Paul who wrote his historical accounts in Aramaic (Preface to the Jewish War 1.1).
Jewish commentaries and tradition are recorded in the Aramaic language. Aramaic is a sister language with Hebrew and most terms are easily identifiable between these two languages.
Dead Sea Scrolls were written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Aramaic was spoken in the land of Israel from 200 BCE to 200 CE by the Jewish people.
Khabouris (or Yonan Codex) is a recent Aramaic New Testament discovery that has confirmed the language of Jesus and the Apostles to be Aramaic.
Crawford, Shem Tob, DuTillet and Munster manuscripts indicate that there was a Jewish following of Jesus that maintained a Hebrew understanding of the New Testament.
Peshitta (Eastern) and Western Syriac New Testament (Peshitto) Bibles have carried the New Testament through the centuries in the Aramaic language.
Testimonies of Church founders from both the Eastern and Western Churches tell us that the New Testament was originally written in Aramaic and Hebrew.
Papias and Ireneus (150-170 C.E.) both stated that Matthew was originally composed in Hebrew letters, however, it is important to recognize that First Century Hebrew and Aramaic use the same lettering making the two languages practically indistinguishable from each other. So what the church founders thought was Hebrew, was actually Aramaic.
Pantaenus (c. 200 C.E.) reported that upon his arrival to India that copies of the “Hebrew” Book of Matthew were already in circulation.
Clement of Alexandria (150-212 C.E.) gave accounts of the book of Hebrews written by Paul in “Hebrew”.
Origen (c. 210 C.E.) stated that Matthew was first published for Jewish believers in “Hebrew”.
Eusebius (c. 315 C.E.) stated that Matthew wrote in his native “Hebrew” tongue and that Paul addressed the Hebrews in his native Hebrew tongue.
Epiphanes (370 C.E.) stated that the Nazarenes (original followers of Jesus) had preserved the Gospel in the “Hebrew” language.
Jerome (382 C.E.) stated that Paul being a Hebrew also wrote in his own tongue of “Hebrew” and that his writing was eloquently turned into Greek. Jewish Talmudic Rabbis had debates concerning New Testament manuscripts (Mas Shabbath 116a). A question arose among them because the New Testament contained the Name of Yahweh (YHWH – יהוה) which indicates that the New Testament had not yet translated the Name of YHWH into the Greek Kurios which became the English LORD.
The original disciples of Jesus heard the original Gospel in Hebrew and Aramaic
Apostles of Jesus were Jewish (originally) and they learned about the Kingdom of God in their native tongue which was Aramaic. While Hebrew is regarded as the Holy Tongue, Aramaic was the commonly spoken language. The Apostles learned, discussed and wrote Hebraic elements of the Good News in Aramaic, which was then translated into Greek. The Netzarim (Nazarenes) – the original followers of Jesus – referred to our Savior as “Yeshua” as retained in Aramaic.
The Gospel journeyed East in the Aramaic language more than a decade before travelling West in Greek; Aramaic was the primary language of the Galilee and the common language that Jesus and Paul spoke.
The Aramaic English New Testament Bible (AENT) presents the Good News according to the very words that Jesus and Paul spoke! Translated into English by Andrew Gabriel Roth with contributions by numerous leading Aramaic scholars, the AENT contains over 2000 footnotes and 360 pages of appendixes detailing information about the original New Testament not available in any other Bibles.
Have you ever puzzled over New Testament verses and wondered what they originally meant? Now you can study directly from the original Aramaic, without being fluent in the Aramaic language.
The Aramaic English New Testament – compiled by those who love and appreciate the beauty of the raw unedited truth – offers students and scholars alike a resource that was over a decade in the making.