Category: General

New Direction

Netzari Press discontinued publishing the AENT 5th Edition as of March 2019.  We believed the AENT was making significant contributions to clarify Yeshua’s First Century teachings.  However, in 2013 we realized it would be impossible for an AENT 6th Edition to resolve many translation issues, we needed to completely revise the translation, footnotes and appendices.  […]

Affiliate Q & A

We’ve just experienced an 871% increase in new Affiliates in January 2018!!!  When we launched the affiliate program in March 2016 we had no idea that we would witness such a massive upward trend.  We’re so delighted that we’ve just launched a new campaign that has a payout increase of 900%!!!  If you’re not already […]

Aramaic English New Testament Sample Pages

To view sample pages of the Aramaic English New Testament Please Click on samples below to view PDF’s CONTENTS pg iii & From Scripture to Publication pg ix   sample1 MATTHEW 22:32-23:13 pg 66-67   sample2 LUKE 1:65-2:3 pg 146-147   sample3 ACTS 15:5-24 pg 350-351   sample4 HEBREWS 3:1-4:4 pg 402-403   sample5 ROMANS 1:1-23 pg 460-461   sample6 GALATIANS […]

The Real Jesus Revealed in Original Aramaic

The teachings of the REAL JESUS have never been lost as some suggest.  As you study the AENT you will enter a world of Hebrew and Aramaic scholarship that has never before been available to English speakers, with full documentation and resources that confirm the authority and authenticity of the original Aramaic New Testament.  Learn how Greek New Testament […]

Christian Responses to the Aramaic English New Testament

Christian Responses to the AENT In the first few short weeks after the AENT was published, the majority of Christians responded with beautiful testimonies, here are a few: We received the AENT today and cannot put it down. I am humbled and grateful… It is so amazing…my wife and I are reading it together and […]

Open Letter to Jewish People Regarding the New Testament

 An Open Letter to the Jewish People regarding the New Testament Shalom! We feel very blessed to address these matters with those who share our ancestry and lineage. However you classify your Jewish faith, Reconstructionist to Chabad or all points in between, or whether you carry little or no faith in the Master, we’re confident you […]

Front Cover Aramaic reads Ktaba (Scriptures) Qadisha (Set Apart or Holy)

Some have inquired about the meaning of the Aramaic words on the top front cover of the Aramaic English New Testament.  The phrase in Aramaic reading right to left is Ktaba Qadisha.  Ktaba means writings or Scriptures, Qadisha means “Set Apart” or “Holy”.  This title appears throughout ancient Peshitta Tanakh (Tanakh –TNK is an acronym for Torah (Instructions) […]

Aramaic New Testament Time Bomb

The Washington Post and Times Herald Mar 26, 1955 Book Is Written in Language Spoken by Christ By Paul Sampson Staff Reporter “…has been carefully preserved… originated in the ancient Assyrian Empire…was brought into this country when many members of the family came to this country after being driven from Assyria by World War 1…” […]

Questions & Answers about the Aramaic English New Testament

AENT Q&A’s Which Edition of the AENT are you shipping?  Answer: The AENT 5th Edition in hardcover and softcover, unless you specify that you want a large print 4th Edition.  The AENT large print is only available in the 4th Edition and will be sold out shortly.  The 5th Edition saw an additional 293 footnotes bringing […]

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